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Members in All 50 States and 80 CountriesWelcome to the District of Columbia Bar! 无论你是在新加坡的虚拟办公室工作,还是在首都的公司工作, the D.C. 酒吧为其成员提供了许多丰富职业生涯和提升社区的机会. Established in 1972, the D.C. 酒吧授权其成员实现专业成功提供社区, value, innovation, service, leadership, and education.


想要跟上酒吧的最新动态? Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, as well as sign up for our daily D.C. Bar Legal Brief该网站为忙碌的澳门赌场官网提供来自数千家媒体的量身定制的澳门赌场官网报道.

License Information

In accordance with Section 3.01A(1) of the D.C. Bar Bylaws, “在7月1日至12月31日期间宣誓入职的人,应全额缴纳年度执照费. 在1月1日至4月30日期间宣誓就职的人员,应缴纳年费的一半." As such, 您的初始许可费用发票将根据您当前财政年度的原始宣誓/宣誓日期在注册时开具.

初始牌照费应在收到通知后60天内支付,以避免征收滞纳金. 新加入的会员如未能在发票发出后90天内缴交初始牌照费,将被行政暂停.

有关您可用的会员类别和当前许可费金额的更多信息,请单击 here.

Exclusive Member Perks

Make your membership work for you! The D.C. 酒吧通过我们的亲密伙伴关系提供了数千美元的储蓄. 作为澳门赌场官网协会的重要成员,你有权 exclusive discounts on legal research tools, health insurance, cloud-based law practice management software, wellness, and much more!

The D.C. Bar为活跃会员和司法会员提供免费访问Fastcase的机会. This unique benefit offers D.C.-specific content exclusive to D.C. 澳门赌场官网协会会员除在全国范围内获得奖金外 online legal research database 判例法、规章和法规(价值995美元).

需要一个安静的地方工作,或者只是想逃离办公室一天? 所有会员都可以预订免费的私人办公室或小隔间 Member Connection Suite 每月最多24小时,可以访问Wi-Fi,打印和茶点.

Certificates of Good Standing

In July 2019, the D.C. Bar成为第一家提供在线订购和履行良好信誉证书的强制性酒吧. Log into your member account 今天通过电子邮件订购并接收证书!

Free Professional Services

Legal Ethics 就与律政司有关的道德问题提供保密的谘询服务.C. Rules of Professional Conduct.

The Lawyer Assistance Program 为那些有药物滥用等问题的人提供保密服务, anxiety, stress, and depression.

Our Attorney/Client Arbitration Board offers an arbitration service for D.C. 澳门赌场官网与其客户解决有关法律费用的纠纷.

The Practice Management Advisory Service 通过一对一的咨询帮助会员优化他们的法律实践, free seminars, 以及指导他们整个职业生涯的内容.

Continuing Education

The D.C. Bar's award-winning CLE courses are available on-site, online, and on-demand. 课程满足所有州的MCLE要求和强制性的继续法律教育要求.

Engaging Content

A print and digital subscription of Washington Lawyer 杂志为您的实践提供发人深省的内容和工具. The D.C. 酒吧还通过各种数字通讯,包括酒吧公报,提供您需要的信息, 每两周发布一份有关酒吧澳门赌场官网和更新的电子通讯, and Legal Brief, 国内和国际法律澳门赌场官网的每日策划电子邮件. 你也可以通过LinkedIn、Twitter、Facebook、Instagram和YouTube与我们联系.

Networking Opportunities

每年与当地澳门赌场官网和法官一起参加数百场澳门赌场官网活动. By joining a Community in your area of the law, 您还可以访问为从业者和司法官员举办的实质性内容节目和招待会.

Volunteer Service

The D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center 为会员提供有意义的志愿服务机会, 以及对成功的支持和指导. 公益中心触及了2万多名残疾人的生活.C. residents each year, including low-income individuals, community-based nonprofit organizations, and small businesses.

Leadership and Professional Development

加入我们20个团队中的3个或更多,提高领导技能、团队合作和专业精神 Communities 在法律实践的特定领域(如诉讼), intellectual property, and government contracts), by applying to get involved with a standing committee of the Bar, or by applying to participate in the John Payton Leadership Academy.

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